Name:		Jay Chaudhry
Company:	IQ Software Corporation
Voice:		404/446-8880

Product Blitz by IQ Software takes
Client/Server Data Access Solutions to
New Heights
Introduces IQ SmartServer, and Version 5
of IQ Product Family

Norcross, GA -- April 17, 1995 -- IQ Software, a leading supplier of client/server data access tools, today announced the availability of its Version 5.0, Intelligent Query (IQ) family of data access solutions for business users. The version 5.0 product roll-out includes:

IQ product family provides integrated query, reporting and graphics/charting capabilities for business users needing access to data on standard relational databases and other legacy file systems.

"This release extends our technology leadership as the only end user data access tool vendor providing true client and server capabilities", said Charles R. Chitty, President and CEO of IQ Software. "The release validates our commitment to deliver high quality client/server tools that make it easy to put critical information, true business intelligence, into the hands of those who need it the most - the business users", Chitty added.

IQ SmartServer
IQ SmartServer, a newly introduced software product, is designed to leverage the existing investments in client/server infrastructure. It offers both client and server components which allow for the partitioning of data access functions. It optimizes performance and provides resource management and scalability allowing customers to start small and grow to meet the stringent demands of large scale deployment and data warehousing.

The SmartServer is the common software module that works with other IQ products (e.g. IQ for Windows, IQ for Motif and IQ Access) to provide second generation client/server functionality. It is currently available on all popular UNIX platforms, and will be available on the NT server later this summer.

IQ SmartServer is the only product in the industry to provide powerful scheduling and intelligent optimization of client and server computing resources for end user data access solution. It offers several new and unique features.

SmartScheduler - offers comprehensive and flexible options for scheduling and batch processing of queries and reports. With the acceleration of downsizing, there is a growing need to generate queries and reports on Windows or Motif workstations, and schedule them on UNIX servers for batch processing. IQ SmartScheduler fills this need. Major features of SmartScheduler include:

ResourceManager - optimizes the use of client and server resources to deliver performance and scalability - critical for the success of large scale deployments and data warehousing projects. Key features of ResourceManager include:

Personal DataStore - offers data staging capabilities. Rather than having to access the server database for each query, a subset of data, along with its metadata can be periodically extracted and transferred to user's workstation. User can then perform subsequent query, reporting and charting locally without having to access the server. This is valuable in several situations especially for mobile laptop computer users.

IQ Client Software
In addition to the new IQ SmartServer, version 5.0 of IQ for Windows, IQ for Motif, and IQ Access includes the following major enhancements:

ODBC Support -- Microsoft ODBC support has been added to IQ Software's native API access capability. This capability affords users the option of native API access for performance and full support for database specific extensions as well as industry standard ODBC to access a broad range of databases.

Live Data -- The WYSIWYG Report Painter has been enhanced to support a "live data" mode during report design. This mode allows a user to simultaneously utilize both a visual report template and a "live data" output viewer to more easily prepare report layouts.

Multiple-Up Formatting -- A new output mode has been added which is capable of producing labels or other multiple-up output types.

Performance Enhancements -- The use of automatic data caching to intelligently determine what data is available on the client and when to reissue a query to the server, will significantly enhance performance. In addition, a new sorting algorithm has led to increased throughput of sort-intensive queries.

Support for Datetime Datatypes -- The ability to read and manipulate "timestamp" datatypes. This includes extensive formatting and calculations for Time, Datetime, and Time Intervals.

A new standard in Data Access Tools: Second Generation Client/Server
Several client/server data access tools have emerged in the market place recently. Most are client-only tools, and are good for personal use and simple applications. Some of these tools are evolving to support workgroups by adding limited server functionality for improved usability and security. Despite all the market hype about client/server data access tools, the problem of converting data into information is largely unsolved and is manifested in user dissatisfaction. The solution lies in having the right client/server architecture.

With IQ Version 5, IQ Software is delivering second generation client/server data access tools that optimally partition functions between clients and servers providing superior performance and manageability, and ability to handle small as well as large applications. This makes IQ product family easy to use, easy to deploy and easy to administer.

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